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Nije suvišno podsjetiti da takve mogućnosti u istočnim Crkvama postoje ne samo zbog specifične duhovnosti, nego i stoga jer one ne posjeduju tako razrađenu i uhodanu praksu crkvenih sudova koji rješavaju pitanje valjanosti braka u Katoličkoj Crkvi. Krzysztof arrived to USA with his wife Anna and two children Adam and Ewelina in 2003 and he was accepted into Polish National Catholic Church on April 2003 by Prime Bishop Robert M. Budući da u to vrijeme nisam imao sakramente krštenja i krizme primio sam ih ove godine , tada se nismo vjenčali u Crkvi. Njegovoj mudrosti i milosrđu valja prepustiti sud o osobnoj odgovornosti onih koji žive u takvom stanju. Ponašajući se sukladno kreposti epikeje, znači da čovjek u iznimnim situacijama smatra kako je za njegovo integralno dobro ili za opće dobro bolje slijediti vlastitu savjest nego napisanu normu.

Mendelewski was born on March 6, 1955 in Lodz, Poland, to Jan and Dorota Mendelewski, he is the only son. Upon graduating High School he entered into Pauline Fathers in Lesniow close to Czestochowa for one year, afterwards he studied Philosophy in Pauline Fathers Seminary in Cracow for 2 years and Theology in Theologian Academy in Cracow, from which he acquired a Master in Dogmatic Theology Degree under the title of Celibacy and Sacrament of Priesthood. After acquiring his Masters, Krzysztof M. Mendelewski was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Stefan Barela — Ordinary Bishop of Czestochowa. Krzysztof was an Assistant of Pastor at Blessed Mother of Sorrow Parish in Gidle, afterwards at Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Lututow. In 1986 he married Anna Wiaderek and became as an Assistant of Pastor at Jesus Christ the Most High Priest Parish — Polish Catholic Church in Boleslaw, then as Pastor of Saint Anthony Parish in Rokitno Szlacheckie. Krzysztof arrived to USA with his wife Anna and two children Adam and Ewelina in 2003 and he was accepted into Polish National Catholic Church on April 2003 by Prime Bishop Robert M. Nemkovich, and into the Central Diocese by Bishop Casimir Grotnik. As a Pastor he strives to enliven the well being, and to strengthen faith of the Parish. He is a chairman of Polish Heritage Commission in Central Diocese and is involved in work to Polish American Congress in Philadelphia.

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